Michelle Solomon and her staff are highly experienced PROMPT clinicians. They specialize in the assessment and treatment of motor speech disorders including Childhood Apraxia of Speech (CAS). Michelle was one of approximately 50 PROMPT Instructors worldwide from 2005-2015. She taught the PROMPT course to licensed SLP’s around the country. As an instructor, Michelle was involved in course development, research, mentoring and study groups. All of the clinicians at the practice receive additional training and direct supervision from Michelle prior to joining the team. Clinicians are Certified or Level Bridging Trained at this time.

PROMPT, an acronym for PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets, is a multidimensional approach to speech production disorders has come to embrace not only the well-known physical-sensory aspects of motor performance, but also its cognitive-linguistic and social-emotional aspects. PROMPT is about integrating all domains and systems towards positive communication outcome. It may be used (with varying intensity and focus) with all speech production disorders from approximately 6 months of age onward.

Learn more about PROMPT by visiting https://promptinstitute.com